Being a private person is bad for business

I've never been good at social media. I’ve never really felt the compulsion to tell people what I’m up to. As a result I’ve never gotten into a rhythm of posting. When I do something fun or cool my first thought is never “hey I should post this!”. That’s not a great mindset to be in when you want to try and share your art with people. So if it seems like I’m a ghost on all and any platform that’s why. I always vow to do better and it never seems to work. They all have new years resolution energy. I start out strong and then it dies off and next thing you know it’s been months and I haven’t posted a thing.

Oddly enough I’ve actually been doing really well with my private new years resolutions… anyways, all this to say we’re giving posting more often another go.

Have you ever listened to the podcast Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam? She’s an author of several books about time management and productivity and her podcast is one of the few that I keep up with on the regular. One of the things she says is that anything you do three times a week is a habit. Let’s try and build a habit then? I think I’ll start small and just stick to Instagram. Here only if I have a lot to say. I have a TikTok too but that kind of content always seems to take way longer for me. Wish me luck!


Let The Nerd Flag Fly