Maybe I’ll Start A Blog?

AKA: Let me take you along on my journey to try and continue to be an artist.

If you’re on mobile scroll to the bottom for some pictures.

I’m starting this blog to try and get myself going. (And to complain a little if I’m honest)

I graduated in May of 2021 and I told myself I just needed to get into a rhythm outside of my working hours and the making would happen. I love pottery so surely I won’t let that fall to the wayside. I’ll tell you what. That hasn’t been true for me. Between being tired after being at work, housework, and trying to maintain a decent enough social life, it’s hard to make the time to work on my ceramics.

I do still love it, I pay to take a class so I have somewhere to fire my work, but I feel like I push it to the side because it’s something I want and not necessarily something I need to do. You know what I mean? It was easier to justify the time when it was an assignment I needed for a class. Easier to work into my schedule when I had no choice but to be in a class twice a week for 3 hours at a time. Easier when the motivation was deadlines and not failing a class. These days the deadline is some day that I come up with and no one else will care if I miss it.

I want this to be something more than a hobby. There aren’t really just ceramic artist jobs floating around so it’s something I have to make for myself and that’s hard. How does one make a business model out of I really want to make art and show it to people. I’ve been a very private person for my whole life and promoting myself in any way feels wrong. Also there’s that whole thing of feeling like the things I do don’t really deserve to be on the internet forever.

Regardless we’re pushing through. We’re trying this. I even have work in a show this next month. The Mesa County Library is hosting a CMU alumni show and I’ve put a couple teacups in there. If I’m lucky September will bring being a vendor at the Libraries Comic Con. My friend Hannah ( Shybones_ on Instagram. She’s cool check out her stuff) has graciously let me tag along to some art markets with her and I think I might try going to one by myself sometime soon here.

Anyhow. Maybe talking about all of this will keep me motivated. If you’ve made it this far thanks for reading my ranting/complaints. I’ll try to post about more fun things later


A cup I’ve been working on recently

Some little animals I’m making for a friend


Working out of a Community Studio